Gerry Burke TV offers a broadcast standard service from concept, through to production and delivery allowing your business to showcase products and services in the most effective manner – but importantly it will give your web visitors a face to identify with and a point of difference in a crowded market.
About Us
Gerry Burke TV is a Perth based digital video production company specialising in affordable website video for small to medium businesses. The Company is managed by Gerry Burke who brings over thirty years broadcast experience to the enterprise.
Traditionally corporate video was reserved for larger corporations with considerable marketing budgets. With affordable digital video production from Gerry Burke TV, you can now use video to deliver an effective marketing message for your website
Drone Filming
Who doesn’t love it? It’s new, seductive and on trend. Aerial footage is great at putting your subject in context like a country hotel, golf course, new structure or a car moving through the landscape. OK I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for a sunset too.
However it’s just another tool in the video producer’s kit and should be used sparingly and with relevance. Hardly a TV show doesn’t have some drone footage in it these days - we know, we shoot those TV shows! So it’s no surprise that everyone wants that look in their video production. We’re here to make it work at its best for you.
We’re Civil Aviation Authority licensed, providing full insurance and risk assessment. Oh and you’re invited on the shoot with your very on monitor to watch the action from on high!
Contact Us
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We may contact you in future, if you give us permission by checking boxes in the form. You may opt out of some or all contacts or exercise your other legal rights by contacting us. Further details are in our privacy policy
Promotional Video
When your web visitor finally arrives at your website, what makes them linger longer?
We know they’d prefer to watch a video which explains what you do, what makes you different and why they should make contact with you.
“Using video on landing pages will increase conversions of visitors to customers by 86%” *
So don’t waste an opportunity. As my father used to say, “…let the dog see the rabbit.”
He had a way with words, my Dad.
*Wordstream, 2018
Corporate Video
A Video-for-Business Specialist
With over 30 years in commercial broadcasting, Gerry Burke TV has evolved into a specialist agency – understanding what matters to businesses when they need to communicate. We marry the creativity of television to the communication needs of your business. We will:
Research and understand your target market
Identify your key messages
Present our ideas on how your story is told creatively
Ensure maximum return on your investment
So whether you need a conference video, a website marketing video or a vodcast, you can place your trust in Gerry Burke TV to partner your organisation through every step of the process from planning to hosting the video.
What does a Corporate Video Production company do? - Read more
TV Commercials
We see so many of them they must be easy to produce, right?
Ask any video production company if they write, clear, produce and deliver broadcast TV commercials and many will quickly change the subject.
That’s because there is a considerable rulebook in TV advertising and that’s before you get to the technical delivery stage. It’s a dark art - that’s for sure. Don’t get me wrong, we love making them. In fact Gerry Burke TV makes around 40 each year.
What we love most is the ability to complete the process from script concept all the way through to TV station delivery.
Broadcast Video
People say that the TV production process is slow - you know, it takes months maybe a year to produce a series.
Well let me tell you that when you’re out in the field with a single opportunity to get the shot, beat the weather and move onto the next location - it doesn’t feel slow.
Working for broadcast television brings a whole new skill set which in the end translates into better value for money for our commercial clients.
And yes, those skills include being a reversing camera!